Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Emergency Lights, Exploding Sand, People Moving Through Water

Wed. June 10, 2020

I had a flew flash dreams this morning before I woke up. In both I thought I was already awake, and you know how disturbing those dreams are.
In the first dream, I was laying in bed and I looked to my right seeing an abundance of police and rescue lights flashing as if something serious had happened. FYI Our house sits on a corner, and our bedroom faces away from both of the streets. It is the back of the house. That's all there was in the dream - emergency lights. I think this one is self explanatory.

In the 2nd dream, I just saw sand (?) as if it was moving vilolently. In the dream I wondered what I was seeing and I thought maybe it was smoke from explosions, but it really looked more like sand. This one is more curious. Abrahams descendants were said to be as numerous as the start and as the sand. They both have their own comparisons. When they are compared to the stars they are considered to behave in a more spiritual manner, but when they are compared to the sand, they are thought to be more earthly / carnal. This would make sense considering the volatile nature of the dream. It was as if it was exploding. Thus, the dream represents a very volatile people. Now I'm not talking about just Jews, remember they are only 2 1/10ish of the Hebrew tribes. (The Jews consist of Judah, Benjamin, who was assimilated before the other 10 were scattered, and then their portion of the Levites.) So there are a *LOT* of Abraham's descendants out there just like the number of the stars and sands of the sea.

In the 3rd dream, I was sitting on dry ground but just about 10 feet away was like a river of water (or ocean?). There was water as far as I could see, and thousands of people were all waking in it in the same direction. The water was about knee deep. It was as if they were all moving to another location with just the clothes on their backs. Everyone was wet and tired. There was a tremendous heaviness in the air. I was stationary. It was as if I was waiting on Darrell to come back.

Then I was tormented by a demon that woke me up. I actually woke up in between all of these dreams. One of the demons was posing as a very good and trusted friend who was talking to me, and then it turned into almost a buzzing and it attacks me at the base of the back of my head like it was trying to get inside. I woke up and told it to get out in Yeshua's Name. Then another demon got on my bed and pressed on top of me, almost with an erratic movement, and I woke up and, again, told it to get out!

I think the demons are really, really, active and we need to stay on guard. I'm going to pray through and anoint my home today again.

What an exhausting night!

Oh and regarding the 3rd dream, I had the thought of people stirring the waters cross referencing to Revelation and the sea beast of Rev 13.

Regarding my 3rd dream, waiting on Darrell to come back is symbolic of us waiting on Yeshua to come back.

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