Wednesday, September 30, 2020



I dreamt that I was in my bedroom and heard some noises in the living room. I was not fully dressed - only wearing a shirt and no pants when I opened my bedroom door and hid behind my door. I saw Adam sitting in the living room with people we didn't know sitting there with him. I put some clothes on (I guess) and I went out to see who they were. They looked frumpy, not quite homeless, although they were. I'm not sure how many people were actually here. I would guess maybe 7-10? ?? I remember talking to the woman who was laying on our couch, like that is where she slept. She expects to stay with us. Adam invited them. Then I looked at Adam and saw him only wearing his bathing suit. I thought he needed to go put some clothes on. (It's cold right now!) I told her there was no way they could stay. Darrell would flip, and I didn't want them here either. Then a thought occurred to me. What if this was the fulfillment of the dream I had a few years ago? What if these were the people I was supposed to provide a place to stay? Then I asked her how many people were with her, and she replied, "212 or 214 in all." (I can't recall which one.) I also remember that we had a hallway leading to the garage but it was unfinished. There were shelves on the wall holding a tiny planter, maybe 2 inches wide, that spurted water out the sides. How strange. Half of the wall just had sheetrock leaning up against it. There was a man who started cleaning out the leaves, and I told him to leave them. That was our insulation. He was trying to help us. He was part of the group of people. Then I woke up.

2+1+2 = 5 grace or 2+1+4 =7 Divine order 

If Adam represents mankind, then why would mankind invite people to stay at our house?

I was partially dressed and I think this means I was unprepared for what's coming. I think the unfinished house speaks to almost the same thing.

I think it is funny I thought of another dream inside of this one.

What could that tiny flower pot mean? It was fake .

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