Saturday, January 24, 2015

She's Not Really There


I dreamt that my sister had been staying at my home for a visit. This was the last day of her visit, and she was gathering her belonging preparing to leave. I tried to talk to her but she just ignored me. There was a feeling of utter desperation in my voice, when I realized that she wasn't really there. Only her spirit was there. As she left I followed her and continued to call out to her, even knowing she wasn't fully there. I followed her out the front door and watched her walk down what looked like hundreds and hundreds of steps from our front door to the ground where her car was parked. It looked like an insect it was so far down. I called out to her, I pleaded, but she never heard me. The dream ended, and I woke up with a feeling of terrible hopelessness.

I was confused for a bit on this dream, but I think my sister simply represents Christians to whom I am calling out to RETURN! We are made up of body, soul, and spirit. Her body and soul (mind, will, and emotions) were not there. I can't reach someone if they are not willing to hear. I believe this simply mirrors the hopelessness I sometimes feel as a watchman on the wall wanting people to see the lateness of the hour and the need for intense spiritual house cleaning - REPENTANCE.  I often use the analogy that if we have a guest coming we do a better job of cleaning our physical homes. We may not know exactly when Messiah is returning, but seeing all of the signs, His return could be closer than most people believe. The higher elevation of our home points to living closer to the Most High. One last thing to mention is that it was the last day. This may also point to the end of an age.

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