Saturday, January 24, 2015


I dreamt that I was standing in the living room of our home with my children. I heard the sound of an ice cream truck very clearly, but my 19 yr. old daughter heard the same sound and stated that music announced the coming “Muscadine.”  It prompted all of us to look out of our the back of our home which was a wall of windows that overlooked a giant field instead of our actual backyard. Our house must have been on the top of a hill because within a minute we began to see the tops of the heads of two people who approached. As they climbed the hill, their figures came into view.  We saw that they were young women dressed in western dress. They were each leading a cow, bull, or ox (I don’t recall which one.) They led the procession of a troop of soldiers, maybe 200-250 men, who were dressed in battle worn, civil war Union (blue) uniforms. They looked weary. They marched passed our home on their way to some unknown destination. At the end of the group, two soldiers guarded a single prisoner. The prisoner was a young Christian man from our neighborhood. He looked defeated with his hands tied behind his back. I woke up.

What does it mean?
This one felt like nonsense while I shared it with my family, but over the last two days I believe Ruach haKodesh has given me at least partial understanding. Below are some of the elements and symbols in the dream.

ICE CREAM TRUCK –  “I SCREAM.” This may demonstrate  a measure of the terror that is to come during the  3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation. Notice that we heard the sound of the ice cream truck before we saw with our eyes what was happening. Sight in Scripture, as demonstrated by the letter ayin in Hebrew, reresents perception and understanding. It may be that we (His people) will hear the screams of terror before possessing understanding that "The Day of the Lord is, in fact, at hand!" It is also interesting to note that while asking my son to remind me of the details of one of his dreams, that ice cream was also mentioned as a detail. 

MUSCADINE – I’m still not sure about this, but this is what it may be indicating. A muscadine is a fruit which is similar to a grape. I’m not familiar with it, so I looked on the internet to see if it is used to make wine. It is! Wine represents JOY in Scripture, so while there is a time of tremendous suffering and sorrow ahead, it will announce the greatest joy for faithful believers, the return of our Messiah Yeshua and the Messianic Age.

May 30, 2020 (It is Shabbat and it is 49 days in the counter of the omer.)
But before the wine there is a little more work to be done. I did a little more research on muscadine / muscatine 
  1. Since Muscadines tend to have thicker skins, this a benefit when eating them out of hand—although the skin is edible, some people prefer to squeeze each grape so the pulp goes in their mouth and they can discard the skin (and spit out the seeds).
  2. They can be challenging to harvest. Table grapes are harvested in bunches: not so with Muscadine grapes. The grapes ripen at different times, so they need to be picked individually,.. 
Wall of WINDOWS – Looking through windows or walls of glass represent being able to see into the spiritual realm. Praise Yah we will see and understand the events happening before us.  Dan 12:10 "Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand."

FIELD – The world

THE HILL - This is a place of spiritual elevation. In this dream it also represented time as we could only barely make out the tops of their heads and their bodies came into full view as they came up the hill. I notice now that they were close to our home (our place in time), so this indicates that when events begin to happen it will happen very quickly. They were not far in the distance. The slope of the hill was very near our home. It is also worth considering that evil rising is another way to reconcile this part of the dream. The evil ones desire to rise as high as the believers and be on the same ground, and they were for a time, but we know the end of the story. 

These two woman likely represent that western nations will usher the beast system. There are 2 beasts spoken of in Revelation.
The  may indicate this will occur on our own soil and in western cultures. They were leading or ushering beasts with them. Could these beasts be symbolic of the two BEASTs arrival mentioned in Rev 13:1 & 11? They came before the soldiers. Beasts of course represent kingdoms or ruling powers. 

SOLDIERS IN CIVIL WAR UNION (BLUE) UNIFORMS - I’m not sure how many men there were,  I would guess between 200-250, but they looked tired. Could 200-250 represent the age of the UNION? I believe this may represent civil unrest or civil war here in the US. BLUE also indicates divine origin. The troubles that are coming are from the YHVH for the final refinement and harvest.

CAPTIVE CHRISTIAN  - I really believe this demonstrates that some Christians will go into captivity.  We can see in Eze 5; Jer 15:2; Rev 13:10. But there is more here. The young man was our neighbor who is just 2 years younger than my son. I thought it was very strange that it was him in my dream because I honesty don't know if he is a true believer. My neighbor would be 18 now in 2020. In 2015 he would have been 15, so the young man was 13. I didn't understand why he was a young man, maybe college age being tied up and led away. But I didn't realize it may have been pointing to the future. DUH! I'm so dumb some times. lol I just talked to his mom a few weeks ago, and she mentioned that he is about to leave for college and play football at one of AL schools. I don't remember which one. But he is leaving this year, so it is pointing to sometime in the future (the next 4 years.) Thus it looks like we have extreme persecution and captivity coming.This is all I understand at this point. Many times Ruach haKodesh will increase my understanding as time passes. Please share any additional understanding Ruach haKodesh may give you.
If you have not done so already, REPENT AND RETURN to the WHOLE WORD OF YHVH! 

Below is an interpretation from a friend.

"To understand this civil war, you should look up the vision of George Washington at the Battle of Valley Forge. According to him, another civil war is coming to America in the latter days, followed by a foreign invasion of many nations that burn our cities to the ground. In your dream, the north, which now consists mostly of progressives and antitheist liberals, was carrying a local Christian captive. It was preceded by women who milk cows, ringing bells, which fits with the ice-cream truck’s music and offering ice-cream. One is modern while the other draws our attention back to the old days. Their attacks on Christianity are presented by media and Hollywood as treats to children of the republic, but really they are milking the cows for all that they’re worth and vainly leading the military like milk-maidens who know nothing about war. The power of their politics and military is wasted and impoverished on making Christians within the enemy rather than tackling the true evils within and around the world. The northern progressives are set on the destruction of Christianity and the Christian worldview. They are dividing America, which, if one of my own dreams of my youth is true, will lead to a civil war, even if it is but a war of ideas. Indeed, the nation is already divided and it will get worse. In my own dream, the military of America was split, and one of the branches was invading churches grounds at night and leading away lines of Christians- a dream I had as a teen, before I knew anything of politics, history, or the plight of Christianity.
    The muscatine you related to muscat grapes which are cultivated to make wine. Muscatel is the sweet dessert wine that is made from them. Nevertheless, even for the sweetest wine, the fruits must be pressed, and the secularists are pressing Christianity in this day in America, becoming intoxicated with power. But the word implies more, seeing that muscarine is a toxic principle of fly agaric which works directly on smooth muscles. And this is interesting, seeing that it comes from the “Lord of the Flies” or Beelzebub. It seems to be a smoothing, toxic formula for musketry- the science of musketeers in using small arms in battle and what was called “muskets” during the civil war (fr. dim. or mosca fly, fr. L musca).
    As for the oxen, bulls, or cows, when the Israelites camped in the wilderness, they arranged the tribes in the form of a great cross, with the Tabernacles in the middle. On the western side there was the camps of Manasseh, Ephraim, and Benjamin. Ephraim- in the middle- became a biblical term for the entire northern nation of Israel, and this western tribe had a banner with an emblem of a bull/ox on it. Thus, this may mean that the milkmaids are leading people away whom God considers Israelites, and the milkmaids are backed by the powers of the north.
    Nevertheless, as your home was positioned slightly above the scenery, you will overcome such things. In conclusion, your dream indicates that a false treat is being presented in the living rooms of America, which cause a division like the Civil War of old, and Christians are being led away ascaptives and milk-cows by this northern aggression on our teachings and worldview."

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