Monday, January 26, 2015



My daughter received the first dream and prayed asking Abba if this was from Him to please give her another for confirmation. She received three in all. Just reading the dreams does not do them justice. When she finally shared all three dreams, my usually reserved daughter was overwhelmed with emotion as she conveyed the feelings of love, joy, and happiness. I can not reproduce this in words. This is written from her perspective.


We were all in a huge room, and the floor was covered with guests who were all standing. There was a staircase going up to the bridegroom. The stairs were wider at the bottom, but they became more narrow as they neared the top. The man conducting the ceremony was a Torah teacher, and the bridegroom was his oldest son. When she arrived at the top of the stairs, there was a beautiful chuppa, and the Torah teacher and his son were waiting for me. 
There was overwhelming joy, peace, happiness, and love!


We were all outside, and the trees which lined the path were filled with what may have been hundreds of lanterns. All of our friends and family were there. There were multiple paths and people lined each one. I was the bride, and I was making my way down the path. I was barefoot. I stopped for a moment to hug my family, and then I continued on down the path.  When I got to the chuppa,  the same Torah Teacher was going to marry us. Again, the bridegroom was his oldest son. I never saw his face, but knew it was him, and I was just so full of joy, peace, happiness, and love!



We were at our house but the back wall was gone. The backyard was that of a friend’s who boards horses. My immediate family, friends, future bridegroom, and I had just finished riding a trail. We got off of the horses. My future betrothed led me up to the house, and we stood next to my mother’s chair. I bent down to pick something up and as I stood back up , he knelt down on one knee, opened up a ring box and proposed. I said, “Yes.” The engagement ring was a round diamond. He put it on my right hand. I rubbed it a little, and the diamond shape changed to a marque shape. Then all of a sudden the entire ring became all gold. It became the most beautiful sparkling solid gold band.

Also there was an additional ring in the box. This ring looked like a class ring. The stone was a ruby, but there was a red flap where the stone was.  When I flipped it open, there was a beautifully fragrant substance inside. I knew it was either frankincense or myrrh.  DREAM ENDED

Details of Wedding #1
I believe the Torah teacher represents our heavenly Father, and his oldest son represents Yeshua. My daughter is a picture of His bride. It may be that that we discover it was an ancient custom for guests to "stand" at a wedding as witnesses to the marriage covenant being entered. The stairs becoming more narrow likely points to the narrow path we are told we must walk. Notice that they begin wider and become more narrow as they ascend to where the bride will meet her betrothed. The closer we draw to the Lord, the more carefully we must walk. The place of the ceremony is elevated representing a spiritual elevation. The chuppa is a traditional covering for the bride and groom in a wedding. 

Details of Wedding #2
Why was this wedding in an outdoor / forrest setting? Perhaps it is to represent the "wilderness" we have been in since Messiah's first coming. The children of Israel wondered in the desert for 40 years. 40 x 50 yrs (Jubilees) = 2,000! The wilderness is not always a desert place. Perhaps the lanterns represent points of light throughout our journey. Her feet were bare. We understand the significance that wearing sandals held in ancient law and customs. It represented authority and ownership over the land. 

Details of the Proposal.
I think it's interesting the proposal was the last dream given. I consider it in comparison to how we need to view the days ahead.  Understanding that the Torah is prophetic, and we may likely incur the plagues once again in some manner; we might consider looking at them in reverse order. Thus, the dream of the proposal was given last. Yet, as we review them, it is the most recent and nearer to us in time. The wedding is slightly more distant. Scroll backwards, and the first dream you'll encounter is the last one given. Am I making any sense? I pray that I am. 
I have no idea if horseback riding has any significance at this point, so I'll move on. (Update: see comments below.)

The ring. I'm not sure why the diamond changes shape from a round to a marque. However, when it changes from one with a stone, like an engagement ring, to the wedding band, I believe this represents the point in time we are entering, the actual wedding, also pointing to eternity. 
The additional ring is interesting. When my daughter told me of the dream and the fragrant substance that might have been myrrh, I thought immediately of the preparations Esther received  (see Ester 2:12 ). She is a beautiful picture of the bride. Notice the stone was a ruby. Below are some commentaries I found regarding this particular gemstone. 

He placed it on her right hand. This had us confused for a bit until we did some research and discovered that in ancient covenants, rings were placed on the right hand as a picture of authority and strength. It was the right hand, not the left which received a ring as a symbol of the husband's or king's authority. 

There are still elements and their meanings in this dream that remain a hidden to us. Please feel free to share if Ruach haKodesh leads. I do pray that you will be encouraged by reading them. I pray that you will have peace and abundant joy as Ruach haKodesh is with you today and everyday. Shalom.
ATS Bible Dictionary
RubyThe oriental ruby is next in value, as a gem, to the diamond. Indeed, a ruby of this kind, above a certain size, is more valuable than a diamond of the same weight. The oriental ruby is a red variety of the sapphire its color is usually between a vivid cochineal and crimson. The word "rubies" occurs several times in the English Bible, as Job 28:18;Proverbs 3:15; 8:11; but the corresponding word in Hebrew is thought to denote red coral, or perhaps pearls; while the true ruby is more naturally designated by the "agate" or "carbuncle" of Isaiah 54:12Ezekiel 27:16.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
(Hebrews peninim), only in plural (Lamentations 4:7). The ruby was one of the stones in the high priest's breastplate (Exodus 28:17). A comparison is made between the value of wisdom and rubies (Job 28:18Proverbs 3:158:11). The price of a virtuous woman is said to be "far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10). The exact meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain. Some render it "red coral;" others, "pearl" or "mother-of-pearl."

A Great Abyss and a Glass Arrow

This is a reoccurring dream of my youngest daughter.

She was with a group of people who stood on one side of a great abyss. They all needed to cross to the other side as that is where their tents were. There was only one place to attempt to cross. On either side was extreme danger. In earlier dreams they were unable to cross, but finally in this one, they made it across on hand-gliders.  Once there she and an old friend, who she knew from school many years before, Morgan, were looking for each other. Morgan has been in a number of her dreams. He shot a glass arrow in her direction that landed on a table. The dream ended.

I believe the great abyss is the Great Tribulation that believers must cross over to make it to a place of safety. The hand-gliders are symbolic of YVHV's deliverance. The tents are temporary dwellings in which we may need to live in the future, like the ancient Israelites.  The name Morgan means "of the sea." The sea typifies the nations, those out of covenant, but I'm not sure if that is the message here. I tried to find a meaning of a glass arrow, but I could not find anything, and the Holy Spirit has not revealed any understanding. I found that an arrow in Scripture represents "the Word of God sent." Glass, referred to as crystal in Scripture would have been a treasure found in sand. Sand reminds me of YHVH's promise to Avraham. Gen 22:17

blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.

Please see the comments below for more symbolism and understanding.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Green Fog

We were in our home when I discovered that a green fog had made its way into our neighborhood. I felt it was extremely dangerous, like a poisonous gas. We all ran upstairs to a place of safety. I looked out of the window to see it moving through the streets. It was hard for me to believe that it was coming so close to our home. End of Dream

I believe the fog represented evil. Evil is surely permeating our streets and is coming much closer than we previously thought possible.  Running to an upper level represents an elevation in the spiritual realm and reaching out to YHVH for protection. As darkness descends on this nation, we must all REPENT and RETURN to our Father for protection and instruction.



This was a dream my younger daughter had a few nights ago. She said that her older sister had run away. She and a few other people drove around to try and find her. She said that they came to KMart and knew that her sister was in there. They went inside to talk to her and, she agreed to return home. However, the people in charge of the facility would not let them leave. They were told they had to lie down for a period of time with all sorts of animals. She said it was like a zoo. She also noted a full grown male lion lie diagonally to her. She said that she wanted to pet and hug it. After the time period passed, they were going to be allowed to leave, but the authorities were letting the animals leave first. The dream ended.

This is a dream of captivity! I think KMart is being used as a symbol for FEMA camps, processing centers, or the powers of darkness attempting to have ultimate control of our lives. (I doubt anyone will come out of a FEMA camp alive unless you have agreed to serve haSatan.) The different types of animals are different types of people who would not normally live together. (Clean and Unclean) There is encouragement though as the male lion is a picture of Messiah being there with us in the midst of our captivity. I PRAY this does not mean that we -specifically- will go into captivity, as I've been shown tremendous protection. But honestly, I don't know what we'll be required to walk through. Regardless, whatever it is, I pray we are always pleasing in His sight and represent our King well.

More thoughts.
I wonder too if my daughters' captivity or period of time they are made to lie down with the animals is not also a picture of the bride of Messiah living in and among the nations / goyim for a period of time. They are not set apart physically yet but mixed with believers and unbelievers. The "period of time" referred to would then be our entire lives, or as a corporate body of believers, it is likely all of time until His magnificent return. Yeshua / YHVH is the authority in this picture who determines when the separation take place. He is the ultimate Authority  regardless, as it is He who either allows the waves to come near and cause destruction or holds them back. Consider Isa 45:7  "I form the light and create darkness,
I make peace and create calamity;
I, the Lord, do all these things.’"

Why did her older sister run away? I wonder if it's not a picture of the prodigal son. The ages of the girls would be reversed, but the story serves the same purpose. Historically, it is a picture of Ephraim (who was the younger son, but given the firstborn blessing) / the Northern Kingdom who established their own worship of the Holy One. They determined for themselves how and where they would worship YHVH after He had already given them His Feasts - Sabbath included. Thus they were scattered to the nations as a punishment. Hmmm who else has abandoned the instructions given in the beginning and decided to worship YHVH whenever and however they please? Are we not told that Yeshua is the Lawgiver (James 4:12) who was from the beginning (John 1:1)?

My prayer is that all of YHVH's children will REPENT and RETURN to His Ways, The Way of the Lord.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Planes Forced to Land

12/14/13    (This was his email to me and my reply.)

This was my husband's dream.
I was on a plane, but I could see through the top like it was glass. I think the plane was having some kind of trouble. All planes were having trouble because they were landing all around us. Someone said "Look out!" & I looked up, & another plane's wheels almost hit the top of our plain. We were going north & it was going west. I think we were trying to land on the interstate.  I looked to the right & behind us, & I saw another plane trying to land or going down, but it was upside down. I looked forward to tell someone what I saw, but when I looked back  that plane was gone & another plane was trying to land in the area beside us. It was grassy & wooded; then I look at our plane, & it was landing on the interstate. I looked at our left wing, & it looked like it was going to hit some old broken trees in the median & I said, "Look out!" DREAM ENDED

The planes represent different groups of people. There were various planes / groups headed in different directions. 

His plane was headed "north" which indicates heading toward YHVH.
All of the people on each individual plane have the same destination. He was on a plane whose destination is Truth / The Word made Flesh / Messiah Yeshua.

His plane has a clear ceiling. He has greater vision / understanding to what is happening around him in the physical. He can or will understand the spiritual implications. 

All of the planes were experiencing trouble (Tribulation)

The plane / group whose wheels almost hit the top of his plane may be symbolic of a group of people, who trying to survive the Tribulation, may come close to damaging, hurting his group.  (Maybe by trampling upon symbolized by wheels representing feet or actions.)  

Other planes were landing in precarious / dangerous places and ways, but your plane had a safe place to land. Clear landing. The planes going down upside down may represent people whose doctrine is completely wrong / upside down. (like the "other Jesus" that some have created, or they have not realized they have dressed Yeshua as a Greek. You can also make the comparison to how the Egyptians dressed Joseph (an archetype of Messiah) up as a Gentile so that his Jewish brothers did not recognize him. This was the first way we met Yeshua too. His Jewishness was not even recognizable.)

The left wing is significant. It's like an arm. Left symbolizes rejection. The left wing is going to take down some old broken trees. Trees in Scripture represent powerful men. These powerful men may be established teachers who have refused to submit to the God's Torah, the Word of God. His safe landing (protection in the Tribulation) may take them down (proof their doctrines were false) while others are landing in dangerous places or positions that may lead to injury or death. 

She's Not Really There


I dreamt that my sister had been staying at my home for a visit. This was the last day of her visit, and she was gathering her belonging preparing to leave. I tried to talk to her but she just ignored me. There was a feeling of utter desperation in my voice, when I realized that she wasn't really there. Only her spirit was there. As she left I followed her and continued to call out to her, even knowing she wasn't fully there. I followed her out the front door and watched her walk down what looked like hundreds and hundreds of steps from our front door to the ground where her car was parked. It looked like an insect it was so far down. I called out to her, I pleaded, but she never heard me. The dream ended, and I woke up with a feeling of terrible hopelessness.

I was confused for a bit on this dream, but I think my sister simply represents Christians to whom I am calling out to RETURN! We are made up of body, soul, and spirit. Her body and soul (mind, will, and emotions) were not there. I can't reach someone if they are not willing to hear. I believe this simply mirrors the hopelessness I sometimes feel as a watchman on the wall wanting people to see the lateness of the hour and the need for intense spiritual house cleaning - REPENTANCE.  I often use the analogy that if we have a guest coming we do a better job of cleaning our physical homes. We may not know exactly when Messiah is returning, but seeing all of the signs, His return could be closer than most people believe. The higher elevation of our home points to living closer to the Most High. One last thing to mention is that it was the last day. This may also point to the end of an age.



This particular night I was awakened all through the night hearing the sound of alarm bells going off. This has happened for quite some time now, and I was puzzled because I had already been awakened to the urgency of the late hour. I realize now that it is a spiritual awakening that I am receiving. This night too, I was finally awakened to a knock on my door so real that I got up to answer it. No one was there.

Previously, I have been awakened to knocks on my door on occasions and separately, my name being called so clearly that I answer.  Lately I've answered "Hineni." (Here I am in Hebrew)

More recently, I heard the knock while I was awake. Again, I went to my bedroom door believing one of my children may have been there only to find no one there.

Difficult Pregnancy


I dreamt that I was going to have a baby. I was in a classroom sitting with a handful of friends and made the announcement. They wanted to be happy for me, but they also knew it would be a difficult pregnancy, and I might not survive. Dream Ended.

This difficult pregnancy is likely the coming Great Tribulation. I've had a number (!) of dreams in the last few years of having a baby. My daughter also has dreamt that I was going to have a baby. In reality, I'm too old for this to be literal. It may be that I represent the woman in Revelation.

Rev 12:14 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.



My daughter had a quick dream. She saw Matt Lauer on TV making an announcement that everything would change now.

Interestingly, the name Lauer means - "German Lauer ‘crafty or cunning person’, ‘cheat’ (apparently originally ‘one with narrowed eyes’)."

Later that day, a song dropped into my mind. This has become a fairly common occurrence as I now recognize it is sometimes from Ruach haKodesh. The song was -
"Change The World"
If I could reach the stars
Pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart
So you could see the truth:

That this love inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It's only in my dreams.

And I can change the world,
I will be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.

If I could be king,
Even for a day,
I'd take you as my queen;
I'd have it no other way.

And our love would rule
This kingdom we had made.
'til then I'd be a fool,
Wishing for the day...

That I can change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

I could change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

Take the "if" out of the Lyrics. When Messiah returns, He WILL change the world! 

NUMBERS EVERYWHERE - 11:11; 1:11; 2:22; 3:33; 4:11; 4:44; 5:55; 9:11; 6:06; 717; mileage - 11,222 etc

1/17/15  (Not a dream)

I know that many people are seeing these numbers EVERYWHERE, and our family is no exception. Just recently it seems the frequency has increased exponentially to include even double numbers and not only triple digits. I know there is meaning in each of these numbers individually, but as I have sought answers from the Lord, I felt it referred to "increased chaos." However, considering how thick I can be at times, I let it continue to bother me. I can't even tell you how many times I saw them that day as they have been everywhere - on the clock, coffeemaker; on videos, the mileage on my car, our bank account. In a little bit of frustration, I prayed and asked if Ruach HaKodesh would show me specifically in His Word what it means. What does Abba want me to understand?  I turned right away to Jer 16:5 "For thus says the Lord: “Do not enter the house of mourning, nor go to lament or bemoan them; for I have taken away My peace from this people,” says the Lord, …" (emphasis mine.)

Now this has been settled in my spirit, I have only seen the repetition a few times a day. I got the message. Chaos is increasing; YHVH has taken away His peace from our people. Repent, and stay under the protection of the Most High. 

Update 3-10-15

My digital alarm clock has gone bonkers. After the alarm went off at 4:15 this morning (Praise Yah it worked!), my husband walked back in the room around 4:35 and asked me why the clock read -1:11? HUH? Negative 1:11!  I chalked it up to seeing 11 (chaos) amplified again and went back to sleep. When I woke up around 6:10 am, it read 10:00. (Perfection of divine order. -Telling me that this chaos is from YHVH, and it may be that we're not counting forward anymore, but we're in the hole!) It stayed like that for a few hours, and then it read 18:00. (You could look at it as 6+6+6. Could this be telling me that the AC is about to be unveiled, or you could read it as 1+8=9 which, according to Bullinger is JUDGMENT!)  It is noteworthy that it has never read military time before! When I threw the clock out tonight, it finally read 12:00!

Update 7-23-15

My receipt today read 111.83 (8+3=11).  

Weeping for Yeshua’s Return


While dreaming, I wept quietly for the return of our Messiah; I missed Hm so! It was as if He was very near to me, and I asked Him if I could call Him Jesus sometimes. I couldn’t see His face, but it seemed as if He smiled and said, “Yes,” even though it’s just a nickname. It was like He was consoling me. I woke up crying.

This one was short, but intense. My weeping seemed to be coming from such a deep, deep place in my spirit. It was as if I was not only expressing my own longing for Him but also representing all of His bride as a corporate body. It was so powerful that it also had a feeling of being ancient, as if I myself had waited almost 2,000 years for His return. I know this is hard to understand, but as we have returned to the whole Word and His Feasts, I have wondered too, if some ancient DNA has been awakened inside of me and my family. Has something been passed throughout the generations in my blood that I would experience such as this? (Sounds crazy I know.) I can’t be sure, but I do know that I l-o-n-g for His return along with the rest of His bride.

I Bore You On Eagles’ Wings

My daughter dreamt that our family stood in our living room and looked through a wall of windows. We stared in awe and amazement at a giant eagle that circled in our back yard coming closer even onto our back porch. We were astonished with it’s immense size and how close it came to us.  The scene changed, and now we stood at the doorway of the master bedroom. The giant eagle was now flying throughout the room. We could only stand and watch in wonderment. THE DREAM ENDED
While praying for understanding, the feelings in the dream of awe, amazement, & wonderment came to the forefront of my thoughts. The giant eagle in flight immediately brought to mind how it is described that the children of Israel were carried on the wings of a great eagle at the time of their Exodus out of Egypt. I am also reminded of the mention of the great eagle mentioned in Revelation. It speaks of great protection given to the “woman” at the time of the Great Tribulation. We were amazed with how close it came, and then it moved into a place of covenant. I believe the time of the GT is extremely close and we will be delivered by the power of the Most High God. The doctrine of the “Rapture” is  simply the regathering of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Look at all of Isa 60, but pay particular attention to verses 8,9.
Ex 19:4 ‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.
Isa 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
REv 12: 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
Draw close under His Wings of protection NOW! There is no time to wait! Accept that the penalty was paid, our sin was covered, atonement made, by Yeshua. REPENT & RETURN to His Ways & His Feasts.! Shalom.