Sunday, August 9, 2015

NOT A DREAM - Trump! Trump! Trump!

8/2 -3/15 
My thoughts about what I see regarding the 2016 election posted on FB.

WARNING! My weekly rant is to follow.
Have you noticed how everywhere we look in the news today we see
Trump! Trump! Trump?
A trumpet in days of old was to call the nation of Israel to attention. The shofar (trumpet) called the nation to assemble, gave commands to move out in perfect order, and even gave a call to war. There were silver trumpets that are to be blown on the Lord's Feast days such as Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur which symbolize a time for a nation's
corporate repentance and redemption. (Passover is for individual redemption.)
The physical picture we have placed before us today, if one is able to see, is quite telling. This nation, who was created for a purpose to spread the Good News of salvation through Yeshua haMashiach / Jesus Christ and provide a sanctuary for YHVH's people has usurped the authority of the Most High Elohiym and made themselves god. SCOTUS's decision on June 26, 2015, made the declaration for all the world to witness. We, His body meant to be His set apart and peculiar people, have declared YHVH's Laws are burdensome, when 1 John 5:3 instructs us they are not; we have condoned and even embraced all manner of evil in our congregations; we have not stood against and battled wickedness covering ourselves with the full armor of God - His Word which is Truth (Psa 119:142, 151; John 17:17; etc!). The truth of the matter is that what was once hidden is now visible for all to see. Just as the full extent of depravity is exposed in the latest news blitz of Planned Parenthood’s wickedness (as if abortion itself is not wicked enough) is brought into the light; the opposite is soon to be revealed. The sons of God will be easily seen. Just as the moon brings light to the blackest night, and the Torah light to our path, so too will the moon finally reflect the Sun of Righteousness emboldened with the Truth, battle ready and prepared for war. We, who are not ashamed of the Word of YHVH / Yeshua, have seen the darkness descending for a number of years, and cannot be silenced.
Thus the (Donald) Trump, which the Enemy planned for evil, is also one more message for the people of God to teshuvah - repent and return! Both repentance and return are necessary. I have heard it said that Trump declares there is no need for repentance when we know that is a lie.  Is this is simply one more attempt to confuse the body of Messiah? We are kidding ourselves if we believe there is a difference between Republican and Democrat any longer. They are simply two sides of the same coin in the pocket of people consumed with the lusts of power and greed. With a few exceptions, tragically, we no longer have righteous leaders who will stand against such corruption.
The physical reflects the spiritual and the spiritual reflects the physical. I am reminded of a dream I was given not too long ago. It was different in that instead of witnessing events it was more of a "knowing." While BO was being used to pour out judgment on this nation, Wisdom was also being poured out on YHVH's people. The question is, who really belongs in the congregation and who does not? We watch as the separation continues, and we see the Trump, Trump, Trump blasted all over the media is a call REPENT! REPENT! REPENT America! AND RETURN! The darker the night becomes the more I look to brightness of His coming/ the Victorious appearing of my Lord Yeshua ha Mashiach.
My original "rant" originated from an email correpsondence with a friend. The reply I received speaks profound truth so I asked for permission to share below. 

My friend: "You wrote: “We are kidding ourselves if we believe there is a difference between Republican and Democrat any longer. They are simply two sides of the same coin in the pocket of people consumed with the lusts of power and greed. With a few exceptions, tragically, we no longer have righteous leaders who will stand againt such corruption.” I agree, and after decades of millions of abortions, the border not secured, increased pornographic prostitution, destruction of the Middle Class, loss of voice in education (God, creation science, and ID science not allowed), unaccountable politicians, increasing debt, growing indifference to the Bible, crime, and rioting, and now gay marriage, finally conservative Christians are beginning to understand that Republicans have done little for us; they have harmed us just as much as the Democrats. I think the game is finally over for many Christians. The facts show us that we have lost on just about everything we hold virtuous. The GOP establishment has long taken advantage of the conservative base always being there, seeing that we have not had another choice. They minimize us to the national media as they run, but sing a different tune on the ground before constituents in town hall meetings. Yet they keep getting elected, even controlling the House and Senate, and they go along with the progressive program as we scream for them to turn back the right way, as they promised.
For true Christians, all the money in the world cannot make this country great again; money was never our strength. We need to attend our moral bankruptcy, and solutions to our fiscal debt will follow. We need the two silver trumpets that blew when it was time for the camp to move. Maybe the media sounding “Trump” is a counterfeit wake-up, calling the corporate body’s attention to material gods of mammon for salvation rather than our true Master, but a wake-up to how the GOP establishment never truly helps us (that politicians all serve their monetary masters) is better than no wake-up at all. All our religious leaders have become smiling spiritual gurus, selling their next products as the nation slides into a bottomless pit of depravity. I like Trump being hated by the media and GOP, and him spitting back in their faces. Many people think it is insane for us to continue to follow this left/right paradigm of politicians who are not truly working for us, and they never reverse the evils that liberal democrats do. What happened to the promise to appeal Obamacare if we gave them both houses? And have you heard of them increasing the president’s power by voting for TPP? As far as I’m concerned, it does not matter who is the next president; the agenda is already set. The true paradigm is top/bottom rather than this left/right charade. I know that the Antichrist does not come from United States, so I am not too concerned if Trump is elected. Our nation is still appointed to fall in civil war/invasion. I just hope I can see Christians abandon the GOP base before it happens; they have traded the heartland for personal gains.
MY REPLY: "The problem with Americans, IMO, is that they are still looking for a man to save this country; yet, as you stated, "the agenda is already set." Border control trumpeted by the Donald (lol) is just common sense, but it's looks to me like it is simply too late. How many thousands upon thousands of illegals have crossed into our boarders taxing resources? How many of them are jihadist simply waiting for their trumpet to sound and attack us where it hurts the most? BO has served his purpose while in office, and he has done his job very well. Still, conservative Christian Americans' jaw would drop to the floor with my statement not realizing that his (BO's) true job all along was to bring America to her knees writhing in pain broken in every possible way from an overwhelmed medical infrastructure to the end result of a society which calls evil good and good evil so depraved a soviet president actually looks righteous. We can see how we have been given a lawless king to rule a lawless people, a people whose hearts long ago turned away from serving the Holy One of Israel. People like you and I see a country that no longer resembles the one in which we were raised, but this too has a purpose if we will only open our eyes.
Listen carefully and consider, we have to understand that chaos and calamity are necessary to help us let go of the things that have kept us bound. Our Redeemer already came once for our personal redemption, but the hour approaches for our corporate redemption. Consider the three plagues the children of Israel needed to personally endure before the distinction was made. They had to experience these so they could see that they didn't belong there. Egypt was not their home. Do you hear what I am saying? The time for our redemption draws near, and what has the Word of the Lord promised from the very beginning but to regather His people to His Land to be given as an inheritance. What YHVH has scattered - He will regather. To speak plainly, we are in the time now of transition. We must realize that we must let go of everything that holds us back from whom we are destined to become and where we belong as a nation. Consider Avraham. What was the first thing he was called to leave behind? It was his country."

Think about it.

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