Sunday, August 30, 2015

Threadbare Dollar

8/27/15  (Elul  5776)

I dreamt that I worked in the jewelry store that I worked in as a teen. I sat at my desk (I didn't have a desk in real life, unless you call an engraving machine a desk. lol), and my co-worker sat at her desk nearby. I looked through my wallet believing that I had very little money left, only some one dollar bills. Yet, I was surprised to discover that one of the bills was a one hundred dollar bill. It was very unusual looking. Upon close inspection, it was slightly longer and more narrow than the other money. It was also very old and made of actual cloth. It was so old that threads were coming off of it like fabric that was worn out. I remember looking at it separately and noticed that it was actually issued from a state, but I don't remember which one. It may have been Indiana or Nebraska. I put it back in my wallet with the other bills and began to count them all. Now when I came back to the one hundred dollar bill it was torn so that only about one quarter to one third of it was in tact. I thought to myself that I could not use this to purchase anything. There wasn't enough of it remaining to be of value. End of dream.

It is interesting that I am working again in a jewelry store, and the symbol of a coworker. Could this point to co-laborer in Messiah Yeshua for His Kingdom where our true treasures are to be stored? I think the money points to an extreme devaluation of the dollar. Perhaps our current financial system is worn out and actually threadbare.

Threadbare stand out. We all know what it means, but here is a complete definition.
having the nap worn off so as to lay bare the threads of the warp and woof, as a fabric, garment, etc.   2)wearing threadbare clothes; shabby or poor:  3)meager, scanty, or poor: 4hackneyed; trite; ineffectively stale:

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