Friday, May 15, 2015

BRACE for a Fall / Whirlwind.


I dreamt that my husband and I were inside a diner. There were booths lined up against the front wall, and we were talking to people trying to warn them of impending danger. They all laughter at us, and said that they would all be raptured away before any trouble came. We tried to warn them that we have go through the Great Tribulation for our own refinement. Next, the scene changed slightly. We were still in a restaurant, but now the entire front wall was glass and the doors were opened. We were looking right into the center of what looked like a whirlwind on its side and flattened. Only it was not made up of dust and debris, but fall colored leaves. It was right outside the door! We tried again to warn the people to take cover, but they still ignored our warnings. My husband and I crouched down near to the ground and held tight onto a concrete counter to brace for the storm.

This is the second time I've had a dream with open glass doors. Recall a friend shared that the presence of glass walls or windows in our dreams are symbolic of looking into the spiritual realm.  Do we have a storm / whirlwind at the door this fall? Below is an interpretation from another friend.

"Now, in most Christian eschatology there is a false teaching of Jews being left to fend off the world as Christians are raptured and get a front row view of the Apocalypse from Heaven- as if looking through a large glass at the world below. Christ said that He has many folds that He will make into one flock, but they do not teach this oneness. I have even heard one famous televangelist (her name was Billy something) teach that Christians will be in the spiritual Kingdom of Jerusalem floating over the physical city that Jews will live in during the millennium. This is utter nonsense. So, yes, they have created their own scriptural foods, not properly chewing or digesting what God has given them. They want a front row seat from Heaven above, and they forsake the Jewish flock, which they suppose will miss their own wedding to Messiah. Nevertheless, this will not stand. The Lord will send back Elijah, and the whirlwind is his sign- that God is with him- and Christians will have to brace for what he reveals. And Moses comes with him. Thus, that which was send down from Heaven, spiritually speaking, will be seen, announcing that the fall is nearly here and the winter approaches, all from the Word of God. You saw swirling leaves because leaves represent the living pages from the Lord’s Word. As seen in Ezekiel 47:12, at 4,000 cubits, the leaves bring healing. But in this case the leaves were not evergreen, meaning that God’s Word announces a fall before the everlasting healing that rapturists await. Concerning our gathering unto Him, there must come a falling away first during the tribulations, as Paul has also revealed (2 Thess. 2:1-11). Yet they eat of the Word like they are dining out, as if the Day of Doom is for their casual entertainment. Only those who can embrace the solid foundation- concrete- will not be severely disturbed by the truths that the Lord sends down. I don’t think that the Lord wants to announce harm to them, just as the whirlwind had no earthly rocks and debris, but only to overcome their winds of doctrines with His spiritual truths. Who would eat in a glass house or cafĂ© with such a storm approaching from Heaven? They will either get caught-up in what God is gathering by His Spirit and Word, which is at the door, or they will be cast away, but they will not receive a front row view from Heaven, as if they were going to see a Hollywood movie."

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