April 27, 2021
This morning I had a dream that I sat down on a wooden bench with no back. I felt a stinging sensation, but I didn't consider the matter any more. Later a sister noticed I had a boil on my backside / upper leg. It was about the size of a flat nickel. She had me lie on my stomach, and somehow I could now see it. It was filled with puss, and I knew I must have been stung earlier. I asked for a paper towel. While she was preparing to lance it, I was able to remove the puss. It dripped on the paper towel, and I was able to clean most of it up before she got back. I woke up.
I understand that stinging insects are demonic attacks or critical words spoken that "sting." The harm they did festered and created a fair amount of discomfort and infection. My question is is this in the past or is it related to something that has already happened. The Lord knows I have been criticized viciously by someone I thought was a close friend - 3X. I was previously warned by Darrell and Madison there was something wrong with this person, but I continued as if nothing was said. Perhaps now I will learn to listen. But as for now, I have this wound that I am seeking Ruach haKodesh to help me keep clean and forgive. I pray for her from time to time, and I am sincere about my prayers. I suppose I will consider it a warning for future stings.
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