Sunday, June 28, 2015



On the morning of 6/24/15, I awoke with a statement in my mind. "A launch has gone into America." Instinctively, I knew the word launch referred to a missile launch. For a moment I thought I needed to check the news to see if our country had been attacked. However, immediately I realized that the "missile launch" was from YHVH as a judgment against our nation for our sin. What I did not realize at the time was that our "Supreme Court" would place themselves as the SUPREME Authority in rejection of EL ELYON's definition of marriage. A nation and a people who, in the past, has now declared to be "UNDER GOD" no longer recognizes His SUPREME AUTHORITY.

There rebellious and lawless ruling came on July 26th. The number 26 is the gematria for YHVH! The Hebrew date was the 9th of Tammuz!
In 423 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar's troops breached the walls of old Jerusalem and entered the city. Four weeks later, the Holy Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon. Originally, a day of fasting and mourning was observed on the 9th of Tammuz. Seventy years later, however, when the Second Temple was built, the fast was abolished and the day was turned into a holiday. Some 500 years later when Jerusalem fell on the 17th of Tammuz -- prior to the destruction of the Second Temple -- the Sages decreed the 17th of Tammuz as a fast day to commemorate both tragedies.

I see the connection so clearly. This country has been a sanctuary for the people of YHVH. By the court's ruling and rebellion, our wall have been breached! It just so happens that the 17th of Tammuz falls on July 4th this year. Will we see another significant and tragic event? 

Lastly, the Torah Portion for the week was Chukat (Num 19:1-22:1) I was prompted to see the connection of those who spoke against God and Moshe. The children of Israel loathed the "worthless" bread God provided. The people today loathe the Word of God/ the Bread of Life! They desire their own perverse spiritual "food" and things that were never considered food. So what did YHVH do to the Israelites? He sent fiery serpents among them and "many" people died. I wonder what calamity YHVH will use today to bring HIS people, not the nations- HIS PEOPLE, to repentance. The picture is so clear as Moshe lifts the fiery serpent on a pole as a picture of God's Son Yeshua who was lifted on a stake, whose blood made a perfect atonement for us --- if we will only repent.

REPENT - Turn back to the Narrow Path that leads to life and life abundant. 

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