In the dream he was getting for a "nightly fluid release" and he put his hand on the door handle and said, "In Yeshua's Name." As he opened the door a wind blew on and over him. The Wind lifted his body up and sat him reclined in a chair. He said in the dream he called to me over and over, and finally I heard him and came in. That was the end of the dream. He said that it was so gentle!
That sounds powerful! It also sounds a little like - he was between heaven and earth- like he needed to communicate with you “in the spirit” to get your attention and for you to “come in” .... it tells me that even NOW Darrell is being transfused with ruach as power and he is equipping him to “sit in high places”..... he has the calmness and devotion to rule and reign with Messiah- indeed!!!!! The shalom he felt says the Ruach Spirit will give him a serenity Shalom that cannot he Shaken.... He wanted you to come and see what YAH had done in him!
The bathroom also denotes