Sunday, March 11, 2018

Donald Trump Has A Twin and ++


Last night I had two very different dreams. The first one I found myself married to Donald Trump. (Just EWWWW!!!) We were sitting at a table relaxed, and I asked him if he had a twin brother. He answered, "Why, yes, I do." End of dream. I have no clue about this one. The way he answered me, was as if to say that I ws not supposed to know this. He was a bit surprised that I knew about it. This is my first dream of DT. However, I have had a number of dream of BO. I wondered if the word 'twin" was not referring instead to "clone." I'm not sure about that.

(12/29/18 Update. I think the word twin refers to two natures - one good and one evil. )
The next dream I was caring for some young children (could be some people less mature in their Christian faith) in a backroom (behind the scenes) and I opened a back door (not the main entryway) for a UPS type delivery. (An angel in Scripture whether good or bad is a deliverer of a message.) There were 3 african-american men (sin covered or demonic) and they were not professional at all. One of them even came inside and either put on or took off a hoodie. He walked back outside and they were still up to something no-good. I confronted them on their lack of professionalism, and one of them just looked at me, pulled out a gun, and shot me in the chest. I thought. "So this is how it ends." End of dream. I think this last one could be warning of an attack, and it could be a warning to be very careful to whom I allow inside (physically or spiritually).